ALL-Streams HTO

ALL-Streams HTO

Breakthrough 4: Catalyst
Delivering long-term operational resilience Protecting & enhancing the environment Responding and adapting to climate change Testing new ways of conducting core activities

ALL-Streams HTO

Amount awarded: £1,380,591 

Led by: Anglian Water

Partners: Atkins Realis, Cetogenix Ltd, Cranfield University, Severn Trent Water, Thames Water, Uisce Éireann

The ALL-Streams HTO project seeks to demonstrate Hydrothermal Oxidation’s capability to transform bioresources management in the water sector, bringing about the possibility of several novel circular economy product streams via nutrient and energy recovery, whilst enabling Net Zero, and eliminating land application of biosolids and process emissions.

“In this groundbreaking project, paving the way for industry circularity we will be replicating the conditions that occur deep under the Earth’s surface to treat biowaste and recover valuable natural resources, benefitting the environment and society.” – Shaunna Berendsen, Chief Innovation Officer, Anglian Water