Proving the concept of sewage sludge pyrolysis

Proving the concept of sewage sludge pyrolysis

Breakthrough 4: Transform
Delivering long-term operational resilience Protecting & enhancing the environment Responding and adapting to climate change

Proving the concept of sewage sludge pyrolysis

Amount awarded: £6,205,773

Led by: Thames Water

Partners: Cranfield University, Helsinki Region Environmental Services (HSY), Southern Water, Stantec Ltd, Uisce Éireann, Yorkshire Water

We aim to deliver the first continuously operating, sludge-fed UK-based pyrolysis demonstration plant. Pyrolysis (a high temperature process with no oxygen present) can be used to recycle sludge to maximise the value of biosolids; ensuring a circular economy and reducing the requirement for sludge to be recycled to agricultural land.

“Sludge is a resource not a waste, it contains nutrients required for plants and usable energy. This investment opens the door for a circular economy approach and can contribute to net zero carbon, enhance the environment and add operational resilience, therefore providing a sustainable future for biosolids management.” – Nevil Muncaster, Engineering & Asset Director, Thames Water