TellJO aims to actively discover, engage and support vulnerable customers who are struggling or are at risk of struggling to pay their bills. TellJO aims to help water companies deliver a better customer experience, reduce costs related to areas such as arrears and exceed the PR19 regulatory requirements around affordability and vulnerability.
Ben Groves – [email protected]
ClearWater Sensors
ClearWater Sensors remotely monitors water quality, generating accurate and continuous data of nitrate, phosphate, iron, pH, and silicate concentration that can be accessed through a web interface. The sensors self-calibrate and self-standardise between measurements without expelling any waste into the environment. The instruments are based on a microfluidic sensing platform that can be adapted to monitor Ammonium, Manganese, or Chlorine.
Paul Wilkinson – [email protected]
Laiwa Communication Ltd
LAIWA provides an automatic meter reading solution. The LAIWA Optical Meter Readers deploys non-intrusively on existing meter infrastructure, connects to the cloud through mobile NB-IoT networks or via local wireless connectivity, sending data to the cloud platform in real-time. The LAIWA Cloud platform provides visibility, reporting and analytics. The system integrates with existing metering, billing, and management systems.
Lars Wallden – [email protected]
SuperVAWT is a wind turbine technology based on a patented invention intended to improve vertical axis wind turbine performance. Cost savings from the use of SuperVAWT technology can drive down the cost of floating wind. SuperVAWT technology can drive a more productive, efficient, lower impact use of our coastal waters.
James Whinney – [email protected]
Waterwhelm has developed a patent-pending membrane technology which offers a 35% CAPEX saving compared to reverse osmosis (RO) as it operates at significantly lower pressures. It also utilises 90% less electricity since it is waste-heat driven. A pilot plant treating 10,000 litres of effluent per day is currently being developed and will be ready for commissioning in March 2021.
Alireza Abbasi Monjezi – [email protected]
Propelair manufacturers a low water-flush toilet, helping customers reduce costs, their impact on the environment and improve hygiene. Propelair uses air to propel 1.5 litres of water per flush into drains compared to 6-9 litres per flush. It saves money, reduces water, is quick to refill and more hygienic than a conventional toilet, reducing aerosolised germs, including COVID-19, by 95%.
Alex Newman – [email protected]
Cascade Water Products
Cascade Water Products aims to conserve water wasted in domestic use. Bath and showers account for 35% of a household water use. Aqua Gratis micro domestic greywater system with an integrated SMART meter, built to be carbon negative, captures the bath and shower water, reuses it to flush the toilets, making up to a 45% saving on domestic water consumption.
Carolyn Hogg – [email protected]