2. Innovation enablers and innovative solutions
Successful entries will demonstrate how their proposal goes beyond the entrants’ business-as-usual. We seek a diverse approach to innovation in both innovation enablers (as identified above) and solutions.
Innovation enablers: how entrants are working internally and externally with collaborators within and outside of the water sector for the benefit of consumers in England and Wales, for example:
- collaboration practices or other ways of doing business,
- disseminating innovations across the water sector,
- bringing in new ideas from other sectors (e.g., robotics from gas networks or leakage detection for oil pipelines, etc.)
- incorporating experimentation into business practices,
- empowering employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders to contribute their ideas into the innovation process
Innovative solutions: How entrants use a wide breadth of diverse and innovative solutions that drive improvement and efficiencies, for example:
- novel technologies and new applications of existing technologies,
- robust systems or processes,
- better management of people and resources.
We are looking for entries that go beyond your business-as-usual approach and which may draw inspiration and/or talent from other sectors. The purpose of this question is for you to explain what is innovative about your proposed project – both the solution itself, but also any new or different ways of working that you will put into action to deliver the solution.
You should also indicate how any insights or learning generated by the project might benefit customers and the wider sector, even if your solution does not achieve all its intended aims. Please refer to ‘Areas for innovation’ on the previous page for more information.
Application questions
2a. Please explain how you’re planning to go beyond business-as-usual in your ways of working internally and/or externally with collaborations? What do you expect to learn from this experience? [4000 characters]
2b. What is innovative about your solution itself? Please explain how your solution will go beyond your business-as-usual to provide better value for customers and/or drive new improvements and efficiencies in the England and Wales water sector? [4000 characters]