Transforming treated sludge into green electricity: Ofwat awards trailblazing innovations in latest Water Breakthrough Challenge

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Transforming treated sludge into green electricity: Ofwat awards trailblazing innovations in latest Water Breakthrough Challenge

May 16, 2024

An innovative solution to reduce the environmental impact of managing sewage sludge by turning it into a source of hydrogen and low-carbon products is one of the winners receiving funding from the Ofwat Innovation Fund. 

This project is one of 17 solutions being awarded a share of £40 million today in the water regulator’s latest innovation competition – the Water Breakthrough Challenge 4. Each solution is committed to fostering innovative approaches to water and waste management.

The Sewage Sludge Gasification project is a novel approach to sludge management, led by Yorkshire Water. Sludge is a bi-product of treating sewage a treated combination of solid matter and dead bacteria left over from the treatment process. The product is pathogenfree, rich in phosphorus and nitrogen, and has for many years been used in agriculture to enrich soil and improve its moisture retentionThe project has been awarded £2.3 million to seek to alleviate significant challenges for the UK water industry and offer an alternative to recycling sludge to land. 

Converting treated sewage sludge into gas, biochar and ash ‘stones’ opens up new, more sustainable uses for this waste product. We’re proud to be pre-empting changes in legislation and consumer attitudes, by delivering a groundbreaking technology that benefits customers, the environment and future-proofs the water industry.

“Once proven, the gasification process will produce sustainable wastewater treatment media and construction material, generate green electricity, and could create high-value products such as biomethanol aviation fuel or hydrogen. Our work represents a pivotal step in driving the UK towards a greener, more resource-efficient future.

The competition recognized the growing importance of finding solutions to managing sludge, and also awarded £1.8 million to investigate how to remove and destroy PFAS, £6.2 million to prove the concept of sewage sludge pyrolysis, £1.9 million to recover heat from sewers and use it as an energy source, and £700,000 to stimulate the market for biochar.

Other winners included projects looking to better monitor leaks via self-driving robots in pipes and technology to non-invasively repair underground pipes.

There are big challenges in the water industry that must be solved, some are well known and others are less so. In our fourth Water Breakthrough Challenge we called for solutions with potential to deliver wide-scale, transformational change for customers, society and the environment – and that’s exactly what today’s winners have done. From raingardens to prevent flooding to green energy from treated sewage, innovations to cut the water sector’s carbon footprint to robots that patrol the pipe network, the winners are all helping shape a more sustainable and efficient water sector.

The Water Breakthrough Challenge is part of a series of competitions from Ofwat, run by Challenge Works with Arup and Isle Utilities, designed to drive innovation and collaboration in the sector to benefit individuals, society and the environment.  

It supports initiatives that help to tackle the biggest challenges facing the water sector, such as achieving net zero, protecting natural ecosystems and reducing leakage, as well as delivering value to society.  

A list of the winners of the fourth Water Breakthrough Challenge is included below. More information about the initiatives can be found on each winner’s page.

Catalyst Stream winners

Transform Stream winners

Meet the Partners