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Project Zero

Project Zero

Challenge: Breakthrough 1
Water cycle: Customers
Lead water company: Affinity Water
Partner water company: Albion Water Limited
Delivery stage: In progress
Est. completion date: Jun 2028

Project Zero

Original title: Water Neutrality at NAV Sites

Funding amount: £2,898,000

Led by: Affinity Water

Partners: Albion Water Limited, Aquality Trading & Consulting Ltd, BUUK Infrastructure UK No 2 Ltd, Grapviners Ltd, H2OiQ Ltd, Hydraloop International, Propelair – Phoenix Product Development Ltd,  SDS Ltd, Skewb.

See project updates on the Project Zero website.

This project will deliver a sustainable, water-saving solution in response to new housing developments being built. Winning £2.9 million, this project will minimise water demand and offset water consumption with new technologies, to ensure the total water use in the community remains the same as it was before the new homes were built. We will manage the usage and offset requirements across three sites by installing water saving devices in residential properties – shower heads, tap inserts and larger infrastructure such as greywater recycling and rainwater harvesting units. This will minimise demand in customers’ homes. We will also install larger technologies on commercial buildings like schools and leisure centres – for example greywater recycling and ultra low flush toilets. This will offset customer usage and maintain existing baseline network demand. We will also be monitoring at a detailed level the patterns and trends of usage. This will allow us to adopt an open-data approach and share anonymised insights in water usage with the wider innovation market.

Update from the project (January 2025)

We are delighted to share that we have fully completed our smart rollout to the 908 properties at Bidwell, this has included the meter installation alongside utilising B4T’s innovative Jellyfish product. We have seen really positive results regarding connectivity with a 95% success rate. As an IWNL site, we are closely working with them on data integration ensuring a streamlined transition for their customers to a smart solution including access to a consumer app, enabling customers to have full access to their water usage data. Using the above smart network data, we are working with our internal teams to develop and produce a site monitoring dashboard for water neutral developments. We have completed our full offsetting rollout for Bidwell, from surrounding non-household customers. We anticipate final savings from this workstream to be confirmed by the end of the next quarter. We are progressing with producing our evaluation report for this workstream and will be built into our final blueprint document. Our work for site 1 will commence early in the new year, with the latest meter readings being provided by Albion Water enabling use of the most recent data source to analyse the impacts and benefits


For more information on Project Zero, take a look at the following resources: