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Renewable Energy Via Aqueous-phase Reforming – REVAR

Renewable Energy Via Aqueous-phase Reforming – REVAR

Challenge: Discovery Discovery: Winner
Water cycle: Waste Water Treatment
Funding amount: £476,690
Delivery stage: In progress
Est. completion date: Jun 2027

Renewable Energy Via Aqueous-phase Reforming – REVAR

Finalist award: £49,990

Winner award: £426,700

Led by: ICMEA-UK Ltd and partners (Aston University and Costain Group PLC)

REVAR takes contaminated wastewater and extracts the energy content of the organic matter (suspended solids) in the water. The outputs are:
1. Cleaner water
2. Energy, to sustainably and cost-efficiently run wastewater processes, with a significant energy surplus.

REVAR is a fast-acting technology that combines two hydrothermal (hot-pressurised water) processes to achieve high conversion efficiency. With REVAR, conversion of organics in wastewater is achieved in seconds and minutes rather than days and weeks. The aim is to use REVAR to replace existing biological processing of wastewater streams in the water industry (Fig1.4) that currently consumes 1-2% of UK electricity (UtilityWeek,2021)

Update from the project (July 2024)

Extensive design work has been completed for the REvAR process and construction of the first experimental rig has begun.

ICMEA-UK was announced as one of 10 winners in the Water Discovery Challenge on 20 February 2024 – read more in the announcement blog.