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Challenge: Breakthrough 2: Transform
Water cycle: Customers
Funding amount: £616,807
Lead water company: Southern Water Services Limited
Partner water companies: Affinity Water Anglian Water Leep Utilities Northumbrian Water Portsmouth Water Severn Trent Water South West Water Thames Water
Delivery stage: Complete
Est. completion date: Feb 2023


Led by:  Southern Water

Partners:  Sagacity, Synectics Solutions, Equifax, Auriga, Waterwise, Advizzo, AgilityEco, Thames Water, Severn Trent, South West Water, Portsmouth Water, Leep Utilities, Affinity Water, Anglian Water, Northumbrian Water, Together

Water companies have specific initiatives aimed at supporting customers, but they urgently need help to better identify and support low-income and vulnerable households. “Water4All”, led by Southern Water, puts financially vulnerable customers at the heart of the solution.

A consortium of leading multi-sector experts will use their knowledge and data to seek and serve those who need help most. Billing, affordability, fraud and benefits data will be used by Sagacity to identify affordability and vulnerability using advanced ‘machine learning’ and statistical modelling techniques, with priority households confirmed by Equifax and Synectics Solutions. UK Water companies will be enabled to engage vulnerable households assisted by Advizzo, Auriga, AgilityEco and Waterwise to maximise customers’ income, reduce their bills and lower their carbon footprint.

“Water4All is a fantastic opportunity to have a massive and measurable impact for the first time at this scale not only to people who need financial support but also to do good for the planet decreasing the overall carbon footprint.”

– Patrice Guilluozic, CEO, Advizzo


For more information on Water4All, take a look at the following resources: