How to enter
Winning entries will be selected following the assessment process outlined below. The two-stage entry process aims to ensure that entrants can develop proposals that have the greatest chance of being awarded funding.
We have worked to ensure the entry process is as efficient and practical as possible, allowing for easy access for all water companies, particularly smaller ones.
Information you provide in your entry at Stage 1 and Stage 2 may be shared with our partners (including the judges and any due diligence providers) to administer Breakthrough 5. For more information on how we use your data, please see the privacy policy and the terms and conditions.
The steps of the entry process, detailed below, are:
- A. Stage 1 – Screening entry period
- B. Eligibility screen
- C. Stage 1 assessment, including Stage 1 live Q&A
- D. Stage 1 Feedback
- E. Stage 2 – Full entry period
- F. Stage 2 Assessment
- G. Judging, including live Q&A
- H. Ofwat Decision
- I. Award
- J. Stage 2 Feedback
A. Stage 1 – Screening entry period
Stage 1 opened for entries on 9 September 2024 at 12 noon (BST) and closes on 30 September 2024 at 12 noon (BST).
Based on feedback from the previous round, we have updated the entry form to improve entrant experience. The main changes to the entry form are detailed below.
- Streamlined Stage 1 entry form
- The Stage 1 entry form has been updated based on feedback from entrants of previous rounds. There was a desire for simpler entry requirements at Stage 1, with more detail coming later during the Stage 2 entry process, and, as such, the entry form has been updated to reflect this.
- Following this update, entrants will need to ensure that their entries balance higher-level detail about their project with sufficient information for assessors to make informed recommendations to Ofwat as to which entries should progress to Stage 2. Entrants are responsible for ensuring that the information they provide at Stage 1 is sufficient to meet this aim.
- Updates to entry questions and criteria
- Entry form guidance has been updated and the flow of the questions has been strengthened based on feedback from previous rounds, to enable smoother completion of the form.
- In the entry form criteria, the criteria under 1.4 have been modified so risks are now assessed solely in criteria 3.5. Criteria 1.4 now focuses on benefits that can be achieved even if the project fails. The word count for criteria 1 and 2 has been increased across both the Catalyst stream and Stage 2 of the Transform stream.
- A calculator has been added to the form in Submittable to help entrants with entry cost calculations.
- Finally, a question has been added to the entry form to cover whether there will be any charges to water customers to deliver the entry.
- Water cycle tags
- Water Cycle Tags refer to specific parts of the water cycle. You can see more information about them in this diagram:
B. Eligibility screening
Entrants must meet the eligibility criteria set out in the Who can be involved section above.
When entries close, an eligibility screen will be conducted to ensure entries meet all the eligibility criteria.
C. Stage 1 assessment
During stage 1, all eligible entries will be assessed by assessors against each of the following three assessment criteria categories:
- Positive impact for water customers, society, and the environment.
- Innovation enablers and innovative solutions.
- Capacity, capability, and commitment to deliver.
Scoring will be between 1 and 5 (5 being the highest). These scores are then weighted. The assessed entry questions, assessment criteria and weighting are set out in the Transform Stream Entrant Handbook (Key Materials).
Live Q&A sessions for Stage 1
Entrants will be invited to a live Q&A session with assessors to take place after the Stage 1 entry period has closed. This will allow assessors to ask specific questions about the entry and seek clarifications on aspects of the written submission in order to inform decisions.
Every eligible entry will be booked for a Q&A session as soon as the Stage 1 entry period closes. Sessions will be held between late October and mid-November. The sessions will be held online, with assessors remaining anonymous, and interaction led by a Facilitator from the Breakthrough 5 delivery team.
There is no cap on the number of project members that attend the Q&A session, but each entry will need to choose a team captain. Team captains will field each question and may choose to delegate the response to another member of the project team.
Questions will be targeted (answerable live, no multi-part questions) and will be asked live and not shared with teams in advance. Follow up questions may be asked for further clarification. No additional materials will be allowed to supplement answers during the session, other than those submitted with the written entry (per question 0.4 on entry visuals and diagrams).
Full details and instructions for Stage 1 Q&A sessions will be provided after the Stage 1 submission date.
A moderation meeting will be held to discuss and recommend entries for stage 2. This moderation meeting will ensure that all assessors’ opinions have been captured and that a consistent view on the merits of each entry is provided.
Whilst scoring will form part of this process, in making its decision on whether to put forward an entry to stage 2, Ofwat will also consider the opinions of the assessors and will seek to ensure a diverse portfolio of entries in terms of entry themes, types, entrants and geographic location. Entrants should note that there is no guarantee of funding even if the entry reaches stage 2.
D. Stage 1 feedback
Feedback will be provided to the lead entrant for all entries.
For those invited to Stage 2, entries will receive up to three bullet points from assessors by the end of November to support them in developing their Stage 2 entry. For those entries not invited to Stage 2, we will provide high-level information about why the entry was unsuccessful.
Due to the streamlined Stage 1 entry form, feedback provided at the end of this stage will be high-level, and timing will depend on the number of entries received. We aim to deliver this to unsuccessful entrants no later than mid-January 2025.
In exceptional circumstances, unsuccessful entrants may wish to consider entering the Catalyst Stream of Breakthrough 5. For more information, please refer to Appendix 2 of the Transform Stream Entrant Handbook (Key Materials). Please note, this does not represent a recommendation from us to unsuccessful entrants in stage 1 of the Transform Stream to enter the Catalyst Stream. Entering the Catalyst Stream will not in any way guarantee that your entry will be successful in winning funding. All entries to the Catalyst Stream are subject to the same entry process, terms and conditions, and assessment.
E. Stage 2 – Full entry period
We will open Stage 2 to invited entries on 18 November 2024 at 12 noon (GMT) and close for entries on 13 January 2025 at 12 noon (GMT).
We set out the questions that should be answered, together with guidance on how to complete the questions, in Entry questions, assessment criteria, weighting, and guidance below.
The entry must be submitted via the online entry form. At Stage 2, we will be looking for a complete, evidenced and referenced narrative, as well as the completion of our entry template and a pitch recording. Entrants can update their Stage 1 entry form and will be asked to book a pitch recording session. The entry form for both stages is available as a Word document to help you develop and collaborate on your answers before completing the online form.
At Stage 2, entrants are required to book a slot to record a 5-minute pitch video. The purpose of the pitch recording is to provide a video explainer to help assessors and judges quickly understand your entry.
Pitches should outline:
- The problem the entry aims to address and what benefits it will have for customers, society and/or the environment if successful (around 25% of the pitch)
- What about the entry is innovative (around 25% of the pitch)
- What entrants intend to do within their entry, focusing on activities that will be undertaken (around 50% of the pitch)
Please note that the booking window is from 18 November to 20 December 2024. Slots are available from 19 November 2024 to 10 January 2025. Please book a slot via Calendly.
To promote equity, diversity and inclusion and reduce any potential bias in the entry process, we will continue to exclude speaker videos in pitch recordings for Breakthrough 5. Entrants are asked to present slides or other visuals whilst talking.
F. Stage 2 Assessment
The stage 2 process will consist of a more detailed assessment of entries against each of the three assessment criteria categories:
- Positive impact for water customers, society, and the environment.
- Innovation enablers and innovative solutions.
- Capacity, capability, and commitment to deliver.
Assessors will review and score answers to all assessed stage 1 and stage 2 entry questions against set assessment criteria. Scoring will be between 1 and 5 (5 being the highest). These scores are then weighted. The stage 2 assessed entry questions, assessment criteria and weighting are set out in the Transform Stream Entrant Handbook (Key Materials).
A moderation meeting will be held to ensure that all opinions from the assessors are captured and a consistent view on the merits of each entry is provided. Whilst scoring will form part of this process, Ofwat will consider the assessors’ opinions and will also seek to ensure that a diverse portfolio of shortlisted entries, in terms of entry themes, types, entrants and geographic location, is put forward to the judges.
Drinking Water Inspectorate involvement
In Stage 2, entries that align with the Water Cycle tags Water Abstraction & Storage, Water Treatment, or Water Network (as selected by entrants in the entry form) may be referred to the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) for additional review. Entries that do not select these categories but still relate to drinking water may be flagged by assessors for DWI review. DWI’s views may in turn be provided to judges and Ofwat to aid their decision-making, however, all funding decisions will be made in accordance with the published assessment criteria.
G. Judging
An independent panel of judges will review the shortlisted entries put forward through the Stage 2 assessment. The judging panel will review the entries individually, scoring the entries using the same criteria as the Stage 2 assessors. The judging panel will then convene to discuss entries and recommend to Ofwat which entries they agree best meet the assessment criteria and offer a diverse portfolio for funding.
Breakthrough 5 will continue to offer the opportunity of a live Q&A session for the entrants to respond to judges’ questions as part of the entry process. Please note entrants will not be required to pitch to the judges.
Following feedback from the previous round, longer time slots will be allocated for judges’ Q&A sessions for Breakthrough 5. Questions will not be provided to entry teams in advance to enable a more dynamic conversation.
Judges will ask questions relating to shortlisted entries during the judging days between 9 am and 5.30 pm (BST) on 1, 2 or 3 April 2025. Q&A slots will be allocated to shortlisted entries no later than 19 March 2024, but where possible, we will endeavour to provide as much notice as possible.
If teams are not able to attend the live Q&A, they should notify the delivery partners at [email protected] as soon as possible, for a chance to answer the judges’ questions in writing. No other opportunities for questions and answers will be provided, with the exception of clarifying conflicting entry answers.
H. Ofwat Decision
Ofwat will make the final decision on which entries should receive funding. In making its decision, Ofwat will consider the views of assessors and judges on which entries best meet the assessment criteria and offer a diverse portfolio for funding.
Ofwat intends to publish this decision and its reasons for awarding funding. Ofwat will take account of entrants’ preferences regarding the confidentiality of their entries.
I. Award
Entries should expect to be notified if they have been awarded funding by late April 2025.
Winner’s Agreement
When notified, successful entries will receive a copy of their draft winner’s agreement. This winner’s agreement will be based on the standard template available on our website. Please note that this template is only provided for information purposes and may be subject to changes. Winning teams must sign these agreements no later than 5 pm (BST) on 20 May 2025 to be paid by late June 2025.
A winners’ onboarding event will be held online on 10 June 2025 (rescheduled from 17 June to avoid EWWM conference)
Further information and a joining link will be shared with winning entries in the weeks ahead of the event.
J. Stage 2 feedback
After winners have been announced, feedback will be provided to the lead entrants who did not win funding at stage 2, outlining why their entry was unsuccessful.
Feedback will be given against each of the three assessment criteria and, where relevant, provide guidance on areas of improvement against each of them. The feedback will not include scores provided by the assessors and the judging panel. As mentioned above, scoring forms only a part of the overall assessment process.
Feedback will not be provided to winning entries.