Breakthrough 5 has been designed to be consistent with round 4, with most features remaining the same.
In Breakthrough 5, Ofwat is encouraging a greater focus on generating and sharing knowledge, and rolling out successful innovations. The entry form questions and guidance have been updated to reflect this ambition.
In consultation with the water companies, timelines continue to be streamlined compared to previous rounds. The aims are to: improve process efficacy; increase visibility across the Streams; ensure a streamlined approach to portfolio recommendations based on gaps in the market and various levels of innovation risk; and manage entrants and winners of the competition as a unified cohort.
In particular, Stage 1 of the Transform stream entails a more concise entry form, requiring entrants to provide high-level information on the initiatives within a three-week entry period. As part of Stage 1 Assessment, all entrants to the Transform stream will be offered a live Q&A session with the assessors aimed at facilitating a dialogue between assessors and entrants early on in the Transform entry process. This will also allow assessors to clarify detail to inform decisions as to which entries are taken to Stage 2.
As well as the streamlining of the Stage 1 entry form for the Transform stream, the guidance across the entry forms for both streams has been strengthened, and the flow of questions improved. As part of this, the criteria for questions on risk (1.4 and 3.5) have been modified to focus on potential benefits even if the project fails, alongside the question on risk. The word count allowance for questions across criteria 1 and 2 has been increased in both the Catalyst and Transform Stage 2 entry forms to allow for greater detail in responses. New in this round is a specific question about any charges to water customers to deliver the entry.
To give a more visual representation of each entry’s timelines and phases, the entry template has been updated to request that entrants provide a high-level Gantt chart alongside the table detailing delivery phases.
Finally, entries to Stage 2 of the Transform stream that align with the Water Cycle Tags* of Water Abstraction & Storage, Water Treatment, or Water Network (as selected by entrants in the entry form) may be referred to the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) for additional review. Entries that do not select these categories but still relate to drinking water may be flagged by assessors for DWI review. DWI’s views may in turn be provided to judges and Ofwat to aid their decision-making, however, all funding decisions will be made in accordance with the published assessment criteria.
*You can see more about Water Cycle Tags in section 4.2.